Application of Work study process:
Work study is a management
technique by which we can determine standard time of a task and discover the
easiest and most economical way of doing the job.
Work study is a scientific method
which ensured measurement of work content of a job and takes recourse to better
method of doing the job and thus realizes the best utilization of human,
machinery and other resources of an organization
Work study is a very valuable
tool of substantially improving productivity of an organization at very cheap
cost; Work study is a systematic and
comprehensive method of analyzing a problem, so that no factor overlook
in evaluating the problem of finding out a solution. Work study can be easily
implemented and at a relatively cheap cost, it’s provokes benefit as soon as it
is applied and continuous till it is in use and it can reduce hazard b y
developing safer mood of operations.
It the most effective tool of
investigation of process, it helps find out problems and workout a right
solution. Standard time can be determined for a definite work. Production quota
may be determined for daily organization hourly works.
Work study is the most accurate
method of setting Standard of performance upon which effective planning and
production control relies upon.
Some Terms of Work Study:
Observed time:
It is the time taken by the
operator to operator complete his her job as observer d time by work-study
Basic time:
It is the time taken by the
operator to operator complete his or her job had she or he worked at 100%
Allowance time:
It is the time allowed to an
operator for non performing task such as going to laboratory, rest, changing
needle, taking instruction of supervisor etc.
Relaxation allowance:
It is the time allowed to an
operator to attend to personal need.
Contingency allowance:
It is the time allowed to the
operator when uncertain problem occur.
Standard time:
It is the time required by
operator to complete a job had she worked at 100% rating plus allowance time.
Bottleneck time:
It is the highest time taken b y
an operator compared to other operator’s time, generally it is the time beyond
the U.C.L.
Rating is a speed of a qualified
Organization efficiency
It is the efficiency of the
production time.
Basic work content:
It is the time contents the work
without any undue loss of time.
Work count:
It is the time value required by
Ineffective time:
It is the time means time loss
due to different design fault, production fault, finishing fault etc.
Upper control limit:
Upper control limit is the time
limit represents efficiency.
How wok study can be realized?
Work study method comprises eight
steps, which are given below,
Select: Select the job to be investigated.
Record: record data by collecting organization by direct
Examine: Examine data critically; what is the purpose of action,
where is the place of performing it, the sequence in which the job is done, the
person doing the job etc.
Develop: Develop the easiest & the most economic methods.
Evaluate: Evaluate the results of alternatives ways of doing the
Define: Define new method & time & present them to the
concerned people.
Install: Install new method & train persons to apply them.
Maintain: Maintain new standard practice & set control
Why bottleneck time created?
-The operator has not the right
-The operator makes more rejects
& rework takes time.
-The machine is definite.
-The operator is not following
work standard.
- The operator is not motivated
How to eliminate the bottleneck time?
-By using automatic organization
high performance machine.
-By mechanizing the relevant
-By using better tools, folder,
special work aids etc.
-By allotting the bottle process
between more than the operator.
-By improving operator skill/
-By using addition machinery/
operator etc.
Production calculation formula:
- BPT (Basic
Pitch Time) = Total standard time÷
No of operator
- UCL (Upper
Control Limit) = Basic pitch time÷
- LCL (Lower
Control Limit) = 2×BPT-UCL
- Organization
Efficiency = BPT÷ Highest
bottleneck time×100
- Productivity = per hour production ÷ Total operator
- Production
Target = (No of operator×3600)
×85% ÷ Total standard time
- Actual production = 3600÷Height bottleneck time
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